Play Surfaces are Great for The Senses

If you are setting up a playground for young children, or children with special needs, then you will need to choose your playground surfaces very carefully. When young and vulnerable children are involved, you cannot take any chances and need to do everything that you can to minimize risk and maximise pleasure for them.

The choice of playground surfaces you use can make all the difference to young and disabled children. Both young children and many disabled children love to experience things with their senses. They like things which are tactile and interesting to them. By choosing playground surfaces such as Soft Turf or artificial grass, you can ensure their safety and add something a bit more pleasurable to their experience.

Choose Wisely

Your choice of play surface should depend on the children using it. Older children would probably love wet pour rubber surfaces which are very bouncy, break falls well and look interesting but younger and disabled children who are more tactile, would probably prefer softer, sensory surfaces like grass and turf which feel great on the skin and which will allow them to run jump and crawl without any danger of them getting hurt by the surface.

Visit Pentagon Sport to find out more about playground surfaces.


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