How Important To Attend Workshop In Appium And Java

With the increasing number of mobile device users and their demands, at present mobile device apps are available almost for all kind of purposes. Thus, market is very competitive, every mobile company thinks about how to ensure to the consumers that we are delivering the best quality app in the market. As, everybody knows, how fast mobile devices and their applications are increasing. These mobile applications work on multiple platforms. Additionally, some applications are open source and some are very costly. So, to test these mobile applications that work on multiple device models and multiple platforms strong and effective tool is required. Somehow, automation testing tools may fit to test the quality of the mobile applications.  But, sometime few applications give big challenges to the Mobile Automation Tools.

Appium Training in Chennai is among the best ways to get the proper certifications in these very important programming platforms. Among all automation tools, Appium is one of them. It is an open source, cross-platform mobile app automation testing framework developed and supported by Sauce Labs to automate native, hybrid and mobile web applications which means it can support iOS and Android OS. In the last few years, Appium’s popularity and stability has gone very high, and it has become a demanding tool in the market to test the quality of the application. Appium is a cross-platform automation tool the API it has, supports both the Android OS and iOS test scripts. Appium employs the Selenium WebDriver JSON protocol to regulate the automation API across the two platforms and three app types. It is tested on varied simulators which are the iOS, and FirefoxOS, different emulators like Android, and real devices ike the iOS, Android and the FirefoxOS.

What are the benefits of using Appium

Appium is OS independent, but not device independent; depending on the device type it translates Selenium Webdriver commands into both the Android OS and iOS commands. Since Appium uses the Selenium JSON Wire Protocol, user can write the test in any language supported by Selenium which makes it a very versatile and flexible piece of mobile platforms.

There are various advantages of using Appium for mobile application testing. Using Appium, you don’t need to change the source code of the app while running the test. To test your mobile app, you don’t need to stick on one particular language to write you test. You can write your test on all languages supported by Selenium. No any kind of setup or visualization required to test the application. Although, it uses first-party (Apple and Google) automation frameworks for testing, test repeats user activities very correctly.

There are many Mobile App Automation Tools available in the market to test the android and iOS mobile app, among all of them, Appium automation framework is best considered by testers. Although, it is an open-source and cross-platform testing tool, company doesn’t have to waste more money on checking the quality of the mobile app.

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