How To Prepare For IIT-JEE During Your High School Days?

Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Entrance Examination or IIT-JEE is the most prestigious examination in the country and only the best of the best gets admission in the IIT colleges all over India. Only the cream students of the society can crack this extreme tough test. Cracking it and getting into an IIT college is the dream of many young aspirants, but unfortunately even after studying a lot many fails to do so because of lack of proper guidance and lack of knowledge on how to tackle studies with everything and how much you really need to study to get into an IIT. Some people have the idea that IITians study 24 hours a day, but we know that is not possible because they are not machines, but humans and it is strategic planning and studying that will really help you into getting into an IIT. Here, we have compiled a list that will help you to understand how you need to study to get into an IIT college in India.

  • There are books for iit jee preparation available in the market that you can buy and solve them along with your friends. Group study really works when you study seriously and work hard instead of wasting time with your friends. Utilise this period of life so that your future remains bright and in this way you will be able to share some of the best moments of your life with your school friends.
  • Learn more about the structure of the exam and prepare accordingly. Learn to solve test papers in the allotted time of the examination and in this way you will be able to master the structure of the examination and will also learn time management well.
  • Many institutions and online centres provide mock tests. Do go for them and learn to take the mock tests by heart as this will help you in going a step forward in cracking IIT-JEE examination.
  • Always make sure that before the examination you have got your weak topics covered and you know them by heart. You cannot ever take the risk of leaving any topic when it comes to IIT-JEE examination. When in doubt ask former IITians and take help from them.

These are the best ways by which you can prepare yourself to get into an IIT. Don’t lose hope and if the first time doesn’t favour your luck, then go for the second time and don’t lose your hope ever. Because even if you solve hundreds of best books for iit jee or take tuitions from very good institutions, only motivation can help you in achieving your dream IIT College and your dream subject. For this you will need to work really hard and inspire yourself every day. If needed, then do some yoga and meditation every day and keep your tension and anxiety under control. Also, practice some self-care every day and take time out every day after studying and do something that you love; it can be painting, reading, watching movies or listening to songs. It can be anything and as long as you love it, it will really work for you.

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