Selling Your Skills To Make Extra Cash

There are many hobbies, skills and secret talents which could be your key to working for home. It may not be a full time venture but if you have a talent or hobby which you love and others do to you could consider taking it to market.

If times are a bit tight and you’re worrying about having to sell all your stuff then read this first and you may find you have an alternative option.


There is a lot of scope in the catering sector for talented home cooks. The growth of supper clubs and secret pop up restaurants in people’s homes gives you the option to do the same and charge people for coming and tasting your tantalising treats. Alternatively you could package up your best preserve or cutest cupcake and take them to market. Farmer’s markets across the UK are packed out with people who sell their homemade goods and if you’ve got something special or different then why not give it a shot? It worked for Levi Roots. Equally if your products are popular in your home town then why not try them out across the county and then even at food fairs across the UK. It can be a part-time venture too and simply something you want to fit into your weekends.

Household Hero

There are plenty of people out there who simply don’t hate chores like the rest of us. If you’re one of these people then you could earn a little extra by helping out us lazy folk. You could start locally – offer to do your neighbours ironing for £10 a pile and then begin advertising your services more widely. Other household tasks could include pet sitting and dog walking. People you know well may even be prepared to pay you for house sitting and although it may not be something for everyone if you fancy a few nights in someone else’s home checking it stays safe then definitely consider it.

Administrative Expert

If you work in admin or have done in the past or even if you’re just a super household organiser then there’s scope to make a bit of cash in this. You could move into becoming a Virtual Assistant and find there are plenty of opportunities online and in local businesses. You can try and pitch to local businesses, explaining how you can save them the cost of a full time employee yet still do the exact same amount of work. The work is enjoyable because it varies every day and you are 100% your own boss as you don’t have to agree to any work you’re not happy with or don’t have time for.

Childcare Provider

If you have young children of your own or have worked with children before and enjoyed it then consider setting up as a child-minder. Daily rates can be up to £50 and the National Child-minder’s Association Website has a huge amount of valuable information if you think it’s a working from home choice for you.

Making some extra cash from home can be a career or simply something you enjoy and can benefit from. These are just an example and there are many more skills out there which people will pay for.

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