Daily Cleaning By Students Will Be Introduced In All Schools

As a parent that regularly sends their child to school you would hope that they would learn skills that not only apply to their academic skills but that also teach them life lessons. There are a variety of different ways that children can learn discipline, responsibility, and other lessons that strengthen their understanding of the morals that you have worked to teach them. With the help of the new daily cleaning regime, children will be able to have a new level of respect for keeping their workspace and the entire school clean. The benefits from this simple task are absolutely insurmountable.

Understanding Responsibility

Think about all of the times that you have found your child’s belongings lying around the house. Whether they have a pair of shoes away from the front door or if their book bag is left open with items sprawled out all over the floor. Instead of having to reiterate the importance of dealing with their messes, the valuable lesson of responsibility will be reinforced during their time at school. Every student will soon be responsible for cleaning the school environment and ensuring that it remains clean throughout the day. This program should be implemented in every school by the end of 2016.

Positive Results to Positive Changes

If you’re wondering whether this change will actually help your children or not, you can rest assured that it will. There have been hundreds of parents that have come forth stating that their child’s behavior has become substantially better at home in regards to cleaning and maintaining a sanitary environment. In the past, their kids may have left their plate at the table after dinner or simply made a mess around the house. Now, they not only help to clean their mess but other people’s messes as well.

What Does it Teach Children?

The main thing that cleaning the school environment teaches kids is responsibility for their property. A school isn’t something that is owned by a certain entity and no one else uses it – a school is community property. In order for every student to be able to enjoy a clean and safe working environment, everyone needs to work together to be able to keep it clean. According to the new program there will be 10 minutes allocated at the end of the day for cleaning activities. The schools will be able to determine what type of cleaning to do during the day and it could range anywhere from dusting tables in the classroom to sweeping the floors in the bathroom.

Are Our Children Janitors?

It’s important to note that although the children will be contributing to a cleaner school, they will not be responsible for getting too dirty. This means that they won’t be responsible for cleaning toilets, as that will be handled by professional school cleaners with the right equipment and cleaning tools. Though children may be responsible for doing toilet checks to ensure that their bathrooms are kept clean.

About the Author:

Morris Edwards is a content writer at CompanyRegistrationinSingapore.com.sg, he writes different articles related to Company Registration and topics about Business Needs and Services in Singapore.

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